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Mr. Carl the Viet (Not a villain)
Mr. Carl teaches music to Curly Que and his friends. A Vietnam War veteran, he believes that music should be taught to everyone. In his world, music is what makes everything go around. He has a little PTSD from the war. When not at school, Mr. Carl spends his time at the nearby park, playing music to birds and other animals
Favorites: Asian food, music
Martial Arts Teacher: AKA Loose Noodles (Not a villain)
Johnnie Nelson, known as Loose Noodles, is the martial arts teacher who will get Curly Que in shape for his journey to become a superhero. He studies martial arts day and night and uses combative terms when giving advice.
Favorite books: Reading about martial arts,
Favorite movie: Sappy movies (not many people know this),
Favorite drink: Drinking tea
MS Money (Lady Green) loves money
She owns branches of hair salons in many states. She loves money. She wants to take over the US Mint. She feels if she could gain control of money, she could build an empire of business across the globe. First, she needs to do away with the mom-and-pop shop by buying up buildings and land and putting her store in place to push out the small competition.
Favorite food: Green lime shakes, Sammon,
Favorite movie: Destroy Empire series
Favorite pass-time: Counting money
Mr. Strong Arm:
Mr. Strong Arm runs a gym he owns. He is always working out and, when he's not on a roughing-someone-up assignment, he loves to flex his muscles. Sometimes, he even breaks arms for fun. He’s on the payroll for a few underground bosses.
Favorite Foods: Nutrition drinks and powered, fruits, and veggies.
Favorite Books: Romance novels, action movies.
Favorite Activities: Working out, and strong-arming people.
Mr. Smarty Pants: Former Computer Software Creator and Scientist
Mr. Smarty Pants is a former computer software creator and scientist who has gone wild with his ideas of creating super kids. He worked at a company that manufactured artificial intelligence chips for robots but was let go because he worked on his own ideas during company time. Now bitter ever since he was fired, he now wants to create an army of robot kids to corrupt the tech world.
He started a school called the Genius Academy to encourage parents to enroll their smart kids. He plans to implant chips in the heads of the kids to manufacture super robot kids to fight against the electronic intelligence world he was once part of. The company was created under pretenses to get parents to enroll their kids, using them as test subjects.
Due to rumors of testing kids with his chips, enrollments at the academy have been low. However, some parents still trust Mr. Smarty Pants and believe these rumors are lies.
His ultimate goal is to bring down big tech companies by employing kids throughout these companies to corrupt their systems. Favorite subject: Science
Favorite foods: Sardines, crackers, Chunky nuggets
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