About the main characters

About Curly Que:
Curly Que is a bright young kid from the big city who now wears a yellow cape and vows to become the youngest superhero. Inspired by one of his favorite comics that he reads daily, Curly Que has always dreamed of becoming a superhero. He realizes there’s no such thing as a real live superhero, but he wants to make that a reality.

 Curly Que grew up in a nice neighborhood where everyone was well off. From the start, he was given a great opportunity to be the kid that he was. His mother and father were born in a small country town but moved to the big city to get a better education and make a nice living for themselves. They attended Rolling Hills College, where they met and dated for four years. Curly Que’s father graduated first, followed by his mother. After finishing school, both landed their dream jobs and became well-respected in their community. 

By being such a bright kid at a young age, Curly's father wants him to take over his finance company in a few more years. However, Curly Que wants to go down another path. Curly Que has human powers defined by his martial arts teacher, Loose Noodle. He uses his triple chocolate cookies to throw stars and marbles as weapons. His favorite foods are triple chocolate cookies and fruit yogurt.

Shoestring is a fiery kid who likes to get things done. He lives a few blocks down from Curly Que and dreams of opening his own toy store one day. Shoestring collects miniature toys, so small that you need a special magnifying glass to see them. He is eager to help his friend fight bad guys.
Favorite foods are veggies, hamburgers, and sticky lengths. He dislikes peas and spinach.

Scotty is a very cautious kid. When he was little, he was bitten by an ant, and now he has a fear of all bugs biting him. Scotty loves car racing and has no desire to leave home when he grows up. His favorite foods are grapes, fruit yogurt, hot dogs, and cookies. He dislikes spinach and peas.

Pete is one of Curly Que's best friends who loves chemistry and is working on creating his own chewing gum for fun. He comes from a well-to-do family and does all of his chemistry projects in his treehouse. Pete wants to become a chemist so he can learn how to create gum for pets with bad breath. He doesn't like veggies but loves this snack called "Chepo Snack."Favorite food is "Chepo snacks"
honey buns
Food dis-like: bananas, cream of wheat 

Penny is in love with fashion and dreams of becoming a fashion icon. When she sees an opportunity to create a superhero costume for Curly Que, she jumps at the chance. With her keen eye for design and creativity, Penny is determined to craft a costume that not only looks amazing but also helps Curly Que in his superhero endeavors.
Favorite food are pickle sandwiches, furit yougurt
Food dis-like: Mash potatoes

CoCo is a spunky kid who loves mathematics and is also pursuing a career in fashion. She dreams of having the first mobile boutique for the stars. Her big break is now, as she wants to design a star-icon superhero outfit for Curly Que.
Favorite food is furit yougurt
Food dis-like: Hot dogs